Christ can be celebrated in His full glory. Though a stable and its company may have been the immediate audience for the birth of Christ, all creation knew that the King had been born in human flesh that night in Bethlehem. It is amazing that to most people it was just the birth of another baby. His announcement came from the praises of angels and the God intended direction of a brightly beaming star. Humble men from completely different lifestyles set out to find this Babe with the intended purpose of worshiping Him. Shepherds heard the joyous cries directly from the heavenly host that Christ had been born. They went from watching their sheep to seeking their Shepherd. Wise men watching in anticipation saw the star and immediately sought where this new King could be found. He was not in a place that would be expected for a King, but this location could not be questioned because of the Father's direction. Wise men responded in the same way the shepherd's did. Worship was automatic. All who saw the Babe were amazed by the supernatural. There was something very different about this baby. Why would the heavens split open and supply a symphony of praise to tell all of His birth, or why would creation submit to the will of God in order to lead men to Bethlehem? I suggest that what the centurion said in Matthew 27:54 was quite evident at our Savior's birth too. "Truly this (is) the Son of God." All creation's willingness to submit to the fleshly birth and death of its Maker is testimony to the character and abilities of the One worshipped and obeyed. This response by all to Jesus Christ causes me to evaluate whether my life shows off whether I believe Him to be the Son of God! My life belongs to the King. Where He leads, I must go. What He says, I must obey. When I am with Him, I must worship. These are all automatic responses to the knowledge of the Truth. He was the Son of God come in human flesh to save His people from their sins. His complete life, from birth to death, was necessary for the fulfillment of God the Father's will. The greatest thing I can do this Christmas is rejoice in the One through whom God has worked in such amazing ways. May this Christmas season cause you to rejoice and worship the One who is worthy of all creation's praise!
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
2 Corinthians 5:14-15
For the love of Christ controls us, because we have concluded this: that one has died for all, therefore all have died; and he died for all
The Spirit opened this verse to me in a new way recently. The One (Christ) died for all (the elect), therefore all (the elect) have died. This text means that I identify literally with Christ's death on the cross. Jesus satisfied the wrath of the Father for me - His death is my death for the sins I committed. And His death applies specifically and definitely. He could not have really died for every person who every existed, for then every human would have died with him on the tree...and thus every human would have propitiation of the Father's wrath. This is obviously not the case.
that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised.
The Savior's flock died with Him they might live for Him and like Him. First, life in Christ is precious - new, everlasting, joyful and satisfying. Next, living for Him as a result of our close and intimate union with Him. If we died with Him we also live with Him. We abide in Him and enjoy blessing in obedience to His commands. How selfish to live for myself! As Galatians 6:14 gives our theme - God forbid that I should boast in anything but he Cross of Christ. Boasting in it involves living for it and for Him.
The big little lessons from these verses demonstrate a great principle. The depths of the Gospel are unfathomable and satisfying. The entire Bible funnels to it. May the Lord continue to take all of us deep into the treasures of the Gospel.
Friday, December 7, 2007
I've been thinking about this issue for a while now. After hearing some men at The Pursuit a few weeks ago tell me about Sovereign Grace Ministry's position I see a distinction between what some consider charismatic and the modern pentecostal movement. There are basically 4 "movements" regarding this issue today. (This is a regurgitation of an article I read last night, found here from the Master's Seminary Journal) One is classic pentecostalism, another is the modern charismatic movement, the third is "third wave" theology and the last is cessationism. The article referenced gives excellent history to all of these.
From a child the fourth view has been presented to me as truth. The first two believe that the baptism of the Spirit follows Salvation which is unbiblical and therefore I reject both. However, the third viewpoint (what was presented to me at the conference) is rooted in good Scriptural exegesis and honest conviction. Stitzinger, in the article noted above, mentions that the third wave opinion is held by men such as Piper, Grudem and Lloyd-Jones.
I need the Spirit to move me and illumine me from the Word to know which direction I should take on this issue. Right now I see good evidence for both views, but I don't have a leaning either way. So, for the few people that actually know this blog exists, please gives your thoughts and the Scriptures behind them for a good godly discussion. May the Lord lead us into His perfect Truth!
From a child the fourth view has been presented to me as truth. The first two believe that the baptism of the Spirit follows Salvation which is unbiblical and therefore I reject both. However, the third viewpoint (what was presented to me at the conference) is rooted in good Scriptural exegesis and honest conviction. Stitzinger, in the article noted above, mentions that the third wave opinion is held by men such as Piper, Grudem and Lloyd-Jones.
I need the Spirit to move me and illumine me from the Word to know which direction I should take on this issue. Right now I see good evidence for both views, but I don't have a leaning either way. So, for the few people that actually know this blog exists, please gives your thoughts and the Scriptures behind them for a good godly discussion. May the Lord lead us into His perfect Truth!
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
You Must be Born Again
John Piper recently began a sermon series on this topic. A few months ago I got a book he wrote entitled What Jesus Demands from the World. I read the first couple chapters - one of which was "You must be born again". I used that chapter as a lesson for the Bible study we lead at the time, and I never realized how much I didn't understand what the New Birth is.
The image of new birth because more vivid a year ago when my son way born. He never asked for it. He was simply passively born. Birthing is done to us, not something that I choose to do. The Holy Spirit takes my spiritually dead life and gives it life, placing me into God's family when He saves me. This new birth must precede faith because without a newborn heart a sinful man will NEVER choose to be saved. At that moment of regeneration a person is saved.
I must do much more study on this topic. It is controversial. I spoke with a fundamentalist friend the other day who claimed that to believe this way about being born again implies double regeneration...I disagree. Then many semi-pelagians will argue that regeneration follows a choice of faith. I believe the Scripture clearly teaches that a man does not choose to be birthed - just as with physical birth (John 15:16).
This Christmas season we celebrate THE birth. This birth makes possible the new birth for the second Adam fulfilled the law and purchased pardon for entrance into the royal, heavenly family for His elect. Praise Him for His great work!
The image of new birth because more vivid a year ago when my son way born. He never asked for it. He was simply passively born. Birthing is done to us, not something that I choose to do. The Holy Spirit takes my spiritually dead life and gives it life, placing me into God's family when He saves me. This new birth must precede faith because without a newborn heart a sinful man will NEVER choose to be saved. At that moment of regeneration a person is saved.
I must do much more study on this topic. It is controversial. I spoke with a fundamentalist friend the other day who claimed that to believe this way about being born again implies double regeneration...I disagree. Then many semi-pelagians will argue that regeneration follows a choice of faith. I believe the Scripture clearly teaches that a man does not choose to be birthed - just as with physical birth (John 15:16).
This Christmas season we celebrate THE birth. This birth makes possible the new birth for the second Adam fulfilled the law and purchased pardon for entrance into the royal, heavenly family for His elect. Praise Him for His great work!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Just a few recommendations based upon what I've had the privilege of reading lately.
In October I read R.C. Sproul's The Truth of the Cross and was deeply filled with rich doctrine. He takes the centerpiece of our faith and exposes aspects of Christ's work in a deep yet practical way. A couple thoughts in particular stick out. One, he devotes a chapter to revealing three aspects of our relationship to Christ and to the Father in relation to Salvation. The table below demonstrates these three relationships.
Another highlight was his explanation of the limited atonement in the last chapter. Never before had I actually understood that teaching, and I realized that it squared with what the Spirit has illumined in my mind from my Scripture study.
This book was a springboard for me into further study and understand of the glories of Calvary.
Over the past couple of months I've been reading through T4G's Preaching the Cross, almost done. Each chapter is a sermon from the 2006 Together for the Gospel conference. What a blessing to read great preachers of our day passionately pleading with the next generation of Gospel-proclaimers to never lose sight of the Cross in expositional preaching. Ligon Duncan's chapter demonstrated the necessity of proclaiming Christ from the Old Testament, and I was impressed to dig deep to find Him there. So often the OT is misapplied - it was written to reveal Christ just as the New Testament was.
Also recently read within the last couple of months was Sproul's Chosen by God which was hard to put down. The truths of predestination and election are so comforting and inspiring. His exposition of passages in Ephesians and Romans in particular were helpful in cementing doctrine into my mind, and I highly recommend this read to all believers.
Lastly, I'm currently in a new work called The Great Exchange written by Jerry Bridges and Bob Bevington. These theologians took an older work by George Smeaton's 19th century book entitled The Apostles' Doctrine of the Atonement and condensed (while not abridging the work) the volume to be read by all audiences. John Piper is also acknowledged for help in the writing.
After an opening section on what atonement is, the book plunges into every reference to the Atonement of Christ in the New Testament - book by book. I'm currently in the middle of of the lengthier chapters. Seeing Scripture interpreted and not mere opinions is so refreshing. This book is all about the Word and what it truly says and means.
We need to read and be refreshed and inspired by the work of other men who are wise. But let us never substitute ANYTHING for the refreshing and satisfying diet of God's eternal Word! Ezekiel was given a scroll to eat and he said that it was sweet as honey to his taste. May we all dive deep into the eternal ocean of doctrine found in the Bible. Psalm 138:2 says that God has magnified His Word above all things. Happy reading to you all.
In October I read R.C. Sproul's The Truth of the Cross and was deeply filled with rich doctrine. He takes the centerpiece of our faith and exposes aspects of Christ's work in a deep yet practical way. A couple thoughts in particular stick out. One, he devotes a chapter to revealing three aspects of our relationship to Christ and to the Father in relation to Salvation. The table below demonstrates these three relationships.
Another highlight was his explanation of the limited atonement in the last chapter. Never before had I actually understood that teaching, and I realized that it squared with what the Spirit has illumined in my mind from my Scripture study.
This book was a springboard for me into further study and understand of the glories of Calvary.
Over the past couple of months I've been reading through T4G's Preaching the Cross, almost done. Each chapter is a sermon from the 2006 Together for the Gospel conference. What a blessing to read great preachers of our day passionately pleading with the next generation of Gospel-proclaimers to never lose sight of the Cross in expositional preaching. Ligon Duncan's chapter demonstrated the necessity of proclaiming Christ from the Old Testament, and I was impressed to dig deep to find Him there. So often the OT is misapplied - it was written to reveal Christ just as the New Testament was.
Also recently read within the last couple of months was Sproul's Chosen by God which was hard to put down. The truths of predestination and election are so comforting and inspiring. His exposition of passages in Ephesians and Romans in particular were helpful in cementing doctrine into my mind, and I highly recommend this read to all believers.
Lastly, I'm currently in a new work called The Great Exchange written by Jerry Bridges and Bob Bevington. These theologians took an older work by George Smeaton's 19th century book entitled The Apostles' Doctrine of the Atonement and condensed (while not abridging the work) the volume to be read by all audiences. John Piper is also acknowledged for help in the writing.
After an opening section on what atonement is, the book plunges into every reference to the Atonement of Christ in the New Testament - book by book. I'm currently in the middle of of the lengthier chapters. Seeing Scripture interpreted and not mere opinions is so refreshing. This book is all about the Word and what it truly says and means.
We need to read and be refreshed and inspired by the work of other men who are wise. But let us never substitute ANYTHING for the refreshing and satisfying diet of God's eternal Word! Ezekiel was given a scroll to eat and he said that it was sweet as honey to his taste. May we all dive deep into the eternal ocean of doctrine found in the Bible. Psalm 138:2 says that God has magnified His Word above all things. Happy reading to you all.
Monday, November 26, 2007
My Thanksgiving Prayer for 2007
Thanksgiving has always been the season where I sit back and thank God for as many things as I possibly can. Every year the list increases. Hopefully, this is because I am more grateful and realize more and more all that God has done for me. When reading this Psalm earlier in the day, I realized that I hadn't thanked God for everything. The one thing I need and desperately desire is for the reviving of my heart. The desire for this reviving comes straight from an overwhelming want to know the Gospel in its purity.
I am in no way saying that this desire is natural or even common for me every day, but that small moment when God is actually unrivaled in our thinking is when we pray with all our might for Him to work. Today has been sort of like that. I crave so badly to see all of our hearts revived to promote our Maker and His Gospel rather than promoting ourselves.
My mind automatically is drawn to the picture of a fire. This last fall we had a visual picture of what I picture revival to be. The wildfires in California have shown me that it takes just a small spark to create a huge blaze. It was the strong winds that created the uncontrollable fire that we watched day after day on the news. We kept battling against it and still couldn't control it.
When God begins the work of reviving our hearts it will begin as a small spark. By the Spirit (mighty, rushing wind) of God we will see it spread to uncontrollable measure. He breaths and leads our hearts to be ablaze so that others can see it and stand in awe of our Maker. The whole revival must be focused on GOD and His Gospel. As the end of Psalm 85 says, there will be increase because of the righteousness of God leading us in all Truth. Since God is in control, a time of reviving is dependent on the wisdom and guidance of One who has an eternal view. It may go for one day or for 300 years. It will all be done to His honor and glory. I am praying for you. I am praying for myself too.
Psalm 85
Revive Us Again
To the choirmaster. A Psalm of the Sons of Korah.
1 LORD, you were favorable to your land;you restored the fortunes of Jacob.
2 You forgave the iniquity of your people;you covered all their sin. Selah
3 You withdrew all your wrath;you turned from your hot anger.
4 Restore us again, O God of our salvation,and put away your indignation toward us!
5 Will you be angry with us forever?Will you prolong your anger to all generations?
6 Will you not revive us again,that your people may rejoice in you?
7 Show us your steadfast love, O LORD,and grant us your salvation.
8 Let me hear what God the LORD will speak,for he will speak peace to his people, to his saints;but let them not turn back to folly.
9Surely his salvation is near to those who fear him,that glory may dwell in our land.
10 Steadfast love and faithfulness meet;righteousness and peace kiss each other.
11 Faithfulness springs up from the ground,and righteousness looks down from the sky.
12 Yes, the LORD will give what is good,and our land will yield its increase.
13 Righteousness will go before him and make his footsteps a way.
I am in no way saying that this desire is natural or even common for me every day, but that small moment when God is actually unrivaled in our thinking is when we pray with all our might for Him to work. Today has been sort of like that. I crave so badly to see all of our hearts revived to promote our Maker and His Gospel rather than promoting ourselves.
My mind automatically is drawn to the picture of a fire. This last fall we had a visual picture of what I picture revival to be. The wildfires in California have shown me that it takes just a small spark to create a huge blaze. It was the strong winds that created the uncontrollable fire that we watched day after day on the news. We kept battling against it and still couldn't control it.
When God begins the work of reviving our hearts it will begin as a small spark. By the Spirit (mighty, rushing wind) of God we will see it spread to uncontrollable measure. He breaths and leads our hearts to be ablaze so that others can see it and stand in awe of our Maker. The whole revival must be focused on GOD and His Gospel. As the end of Psalm 85 says, there will be increase because of the righteousness of God leading us in all Truth. Since God is in control, a time of reviving is dependent on the wisdom and guidance of One who has an eternal view. It may go for one day or for 300 years. It will all be done to His honor and glory. I am praying for you. I am praying for myself too.
Psalm 85
Revive Us Again
To the choirmaster. A Psalm of the Sons of Korah.
1 LORD, you were favorable to your land;you restored the fortunes of Jacob.
2 You forgave the iniquity of your people;you covered all their sin. Selah
3 You withdrew all your wrath;you turned from your hot anger.
4 Restore us again, O God of our salvation,and put away your indignation toward us!
5 Will you be angry with us forever?Will you prolong your anger to all generations?
6 Will you not revive us again,that your people may rejoice in you?
7 Show us your steadfast love, O LORD,and grant us your salvation.
8 Let me hear what God the LORD will speak,for he will speak peace to his people, to his saints;but let them not turn back to folly.
9Surely his salvation is near to those who fear him,that glory may dwell in our land.
10 Steadfast love and faithfulness meet;righteousness and peace kiss each other.
11 Faithfulness springs up from the ground,and righteousness looks down from the sky.
12 Yes, the LORD will give what is good,and our land will yield its increase.
13 Righteousness will go before him and make his footsteps a way.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
As a believer, I have more to be thankful for that I can even comprehend. The Cross accomplished pardon, propitiation of Holy wrath, expiation of sin, perfect adherence to the law, crushing of the wicked one, removal of a handwriting of ordinances, and more that I fail to comprehend. May we be taken deeper into the Glories of Calvary this Thanksgiving season to see the incomprehensible greatness of the work of Christ. And may we marvel in the grace of the Father that chose us (as believers) to be in Christ before the world was made.
I've thought of late that I could have been born into so many other circumstances. What if I was born a Hindu, or a Muslim? I could have been born in the Middle Ages at the height of the bubonic plague of Europe. I could have been born an Ammalekite that was slain in battle with the Hebrews. I could have been born one who scorned the ark-building of Noah, and been destroyed in the Flood. But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our tresspasses, made us alive together with Christ. (Ephesians 2:4-5).
Let us thank Him - feel free to comment on God's infinite goodness!
I've thought of late that I could have been born into so many other circumstances. What if I was born a Hindu, or a Muslim? I could have been born in the Middle Ages at the height of the bubonic plague of Europe. I could have been born an Ammalekite that was slain in battle with the Hebrews. I could have been born one who scorned the ark-building of Noah, and been destroyed in the Flood. But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our tresspasses, made us alive together with Christ. (Ephesians 2:4-5).
Let us thank Him - feel free to comment on God's infinite goodness!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Messages to Download
Messages are now available for download. Click here to get there. I recommend using the iTunes podcast option, you can download them all right into the app. The Q&A with CJ and Rick Gamache's Christ: The Perfect Man are the highlights. Enjoy!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
The Pursuit
I was able to attend The Pursuit this past weekend, a conference presented by Soveregin Grace Church in Gilbert, AZ. Among the many blessings I was encouraged by the preaching of rich doctrine in each session.
First was a tapestry for the whole of Scripture as found in Genesis 1-3. The 4 elements that are presented in those chapters are the main elements traced throughout the rest of the Bible, and they are Creator, Creation, Corruption and the Christ.
The next sermon dealt with 3 imputations from Romans 5. The given definition of imputation was so clarifying for me: to think of something as belonging to something else in such a way that it actually belongs to the other object. So, the first imputation noted is the imputation of Adam's original sin to the account of every person. It is that sin that gives me an infinite debt before the Father. The next 2 imputations are infinitely more wonderful to me. Second, is the imputation of the sin of those who would believe onto Christ (during the crucifiction). God looked at His Son as the most wicked person immaginable because He who knew no sin became sin for us. The last imputation is the one in which I am declared righteous before God, giving me eternal fellowship with Him. God imputes the perfect righteousness of Christ to me so that I stand before Him complete.
Later that day the message to us was the nature of genuine repentance. Repentance, as illustrated from selections from 1 Samuel, can be false and external or genuine lamentation leading to a return to the Lord. I was impressed with how often I attempt to fix my own problems with plans and more disciple instead of truly returning the Lord, allowing His grace to do the changing.
Then on Saturday morning I was able to hear CJ Mahaney speak from Phil 2 about how God works in me both to desire to and then to do Godliness. He performs a work of grace in my heart to casue me to even desire to live in a Godly way, and then the grace is sufficient to help me actually do that contrary to my sin nature.
I praise the Lord for the doctrine which will, Lord-willing, continue to lead to conviction and eventually habits of righteousness in my life.
First was a tapestry for the whole of Scripture as found in Genesis 1-3. The 4 elements that are presented in those chapters are the main elements traced throughout the rest of the Bible, and they are Creator, Creation, Corruption and the Christ.
The next sermon dealt with 3 imputations from Romans 5. The given definition of imputation was so clarifying for me: to think of something as belonging to something else in such a way that it actually belongs to the other object. So, the first imputation noted is the imputation of Adam's original sin to the account of every person. It is that sin that gives me an infinite debt before the Father. The next 2 imputations are infinitely more wonderful to me. Second, is the imputation of the sin of those who would believe onto Christ (during the crucifiction). God looked at His Son as the most wicked person immaginable because He who knew no sin became sin for us. The last imputation is the one in which I am declared righteous before God, giving me eternal fellowship with Him. God imputes the perfect righteousness of Christ to me so that I stand before Him complete.
Later that day the message to us was the nature of genuine repentance. Repentance, as illustrated from selections from 1 Samuel, can be false and external or genuine lamentation leading to a return to the Lord. I was impressed with how often I attempt to fix my own problems with plans and more disciple instead of truly returning the Lord, allowing His grace to do the changing.
Then on Saturday morning I was able to hear CJ Mahaney speak from Phil 2 about how God works in me both to desire to and then to do Godliness. He performs a work of grace in my heart to casue me to even desire to live in a Godly way, and then the grace is sufficient to help me actually do that contrary to my sin nature.
I praise the Lord for the doctrine which will, Lord-willing, continue to lead to conviction and eventually habits of righteousness in my life.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Theme for Life
Galatians 6:14 tells us that we as Believers should allow only the Cross of our Savior to fill our desire to boast. That Cross did for us what we could never do for ourselves.
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