Tuesday, December 11, 2007

2 Corinthians 5:14-15

For the love of Christ controls us, because we have concluded this: that one has died for all, therefore all have died; and he died for all

The Spirit opened this verse to me in a new way recently. The One (Christ) died for all (the elect), therefore all (the elect) have died. This text means that I identify literally with Christ's death on the cross. Jesus satisfied the wrath of the Father for me - His death is my death for the sins I committed. And His death applies specifically and definitely. He could not have really died for every person who every existed, for then every human would have died with him on the tree...and thus every human would have propitiation of the Father's wrath. This is obviously not the case.

that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised.

The Savior's flock died with Him they might live for Him and like Him. First, life in Christ is precious - new, everlasting, joyful and satisfying. Next, living for Him as a result of our close and intimate union with Him. If we died with Him we also live with Him. We abide in Him and enjoy blessing in obedience to His commands. How selfish to live for myself! As Galatians 6:14 gives our theme - God forbid that I should boast in anything but he Cross of Christ. Boasting in it involves living for it and for Him.

The big little lessons from these verses demonstrate a great principle. The depths of the Gospel are unfathomable and satisfying. The entire Bible funnels to it. May the Lord continue to take all of us deep into the treasures of the Gospel.


Redeemer Fellowship said...

You have shown the beauty of the Gospel is such a fantastic way. Until we live as if we are really alive (in Christ), the message of the Gospel is lost in our living the earthly life. The earth taunts us with distractions that claim delights that enhance the earthly life, when ultimately they destroy a person from seeing the cross as the only means of true living! Rejoice in the Savior with whom we have eternal life for glorifying the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!

Anonymous said...

It's so sobering to realize how often we, who have been quickened to spiritual life, so often find pleasure in dead stuff - things of this world. You're right that this Gospel is so beautiful because it brings us to such a beautiful relationship with all three persons!