Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Paul asks a rhetorical question in Romans 8. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? He argues in ensuing verses that no object, person or circumstance can do it. This is glorious truth.

When we are loved here on earth by others (spouse, friends, children, etc.) we feel secure. We feel something special. When my wife obviously demonstrates that she loves me, or when I just stop and think about how she has promised her love to me forever, my heart lifts with joy. I believe that's the way God made us all. We actually want to be loved so much that we decide to love ourselves above all else.

But how often do we fail to allow the truth of the eternal, undiminished, perfected, sacrificial, fulfilling love of Christ toward us cause us to feel satisfied. We worship God in spirit and in truth. In knowledge of who He is, and in emotional response by our spirit. May the Holy Spirit grant to us the refreshing joy that comes from the realization that Christ's love to us is present unconditionally, regardless of how negative we may feel.

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